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Aspire, Believe, Achieve

At Fagley Primary School, we strive to provide our children with a bespoke enriched curriculum to ensure they can be successful in whatever they aspire to do.  We encourage everybody to believe in themselves and welcome new challenges so they can achieve in life, now and in the future.

Fagley is a place where there are no limits on learning!


Curriculum Drivers

We have developed our own bespoke integrated curriculum designed to equip our children with the knowledge and skills they need in order to be successful in all aspects of life. 

We aim to provide a curriculum that is engaging, exciting and relevant to the needs of our children. We believe in bringing learning to life, through our curriculum drivers;


Learning for Life

Explorers and Investigators

Our Place in the World

Equality and Diversity


  • Learning for Life: We provide learning experiences which take our pupils beyond our local community. These ‘experiences’ are aimed at developing our pupils to be lifelong learners so that they are prepared for a successful future after Fagley. 
  • Explorers and Investigators: We develop inquisitive learners who are engaged in active learning which enables them to develop solutions for themselves. Children have enquiring minds and are encouraged to formulate questions and gather information. Learning is engaging and promotes pupils exploration of knowledge and skills.
  • Our Place in the World: Through this driver, pupils explore their own locality and beyond in terms of historical and current significance. They explore their responsibilities as local and global citizens developing their own moral compass.
  • Equality and Diversity: Through a growing appreciation of different cultures and traditions, we want our children to develop respect; we want them to embrace and celebrate diversity and know what it takes to be a compassionate, good citizen.


Learning Behaviours

Developing outstanding learning behaviours is at the heart of our curriculum. The six personal learning behaviour underpin the individual qualities and learning dispositions that children will find essential in the ever-changing society of today.




Critical Thinkers




Taking initiative and making responsible choices. Asking questions about learning and pursuing areas of interest. Showing independence throughout the day.

The ability to learn from mistakes and persist when facing a challenge. Listen and respond to feedback. Understand importance of own and others’ well-being.

Observe, analyse, infer, communicate and ask questions; choosing the appropriate skills necessary to solve problems.

Complete work to the highest standard. Have a positive attitude to all aspects of learning. Be eager, show willingness and enthusiasm.

Active participant in all areas of learning; voicing ideas, thoughts and opinions. Have the confidence to cope with changes to normal routines.

Work well in groups: being a valuable team player. Seek out other people’s ideas to solve problems, respecting the contributions of others and creating solutions together.



Curriculum Intent

At Fagley Primary School, it is our intent to deliver an innovative curriculum using an integrated approach which is accessible for all.   

Our offer connects different areas of the curriculum through a relevant, inspiring theme which builds upon previous knowledge and skills.

Our ambitious curriculum encourages pupils to explore and celebrate diversity whilst becoming enthusiastic lifelong learners.

We plan many opportunities for meaningful first hand experiences to provide a rich and inspiring curriculum which specifically meets the academic, personal and social needs of our pupils.



Here at Fagley we are passionate about the Early Years.  We endeavour to provide our children with the best possible start so they can all reach their full potential. 
In the Foundation Stage, follow the EYFS curriculum and Development Matters, encouraging the children to be active and independent learners.  We nurture the deep curiosity that the child possess and use this to drive their interests and understanding of the world around them. We use play and exploration to develop the skills that form a strong foundation for their future learning. This is supported with the provision of a range of real life experiences through educational visits and visitors in school, Focused activities, along with carefully planned and resourced continuous provision, provide our youngest children with a range of experiences which prepare them for learning in Year 1 and beyond.



At Fagley Primary School, we believe that all our children can become fluent readers and writers. This is why we teach reading through Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised, which is a systematic and synthetic phonics programme. We start teaching phonics in Nursery and follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised progression, which ensures children build on their growing knowledge of the alphabetic code, mastering phonics to read and spell as they move through school.



At Fagley Primary School, we seek to teach all children to not only read, but to want to read, to choose to read and to love to read. We recognise that building this ethos involves sharing this attitude across all subjects and all year groups.

It is our intent that both the teaching of reading skills, and the enjoyment of literature, enable our children to become lifelong, confident readers. Reading is a fundamental skill, used to stimulate children’s imaginations. Books are at the centre of our integrated curriculum across the school and ensure reading influences the thoughts, feelings, attitudes and behaviours of all our learners.

Click here to read our full Reading curriculum.



The teaching of writing skills is explicit within the Integrated Curriculum lessons and is supported by ‘Talk for Writing’ strategies as well as the formal teaching of grammar, punctuation and spelling. These skills are further embedded across the curriculum through rich opportunities for their application in a range of contexts.  


The teaching of Maths is based on the White Rose Maths Hub’s Mastery approach and is supported by our teaching of mental maths skills and our calculation policy. We aim to provide children with the ability to reason in a logical way and to apply mathematics through problem solving in real life contexts. We want to help children to see the links between maths and other subjects and deepen their understanding through investigations and application of maths across the curriculum.


English and Maths are taught both as discrete subjects daily and where possible linked to our integrated curriculum.


History, Geography, Art, Design Technology are taught in an integrated way.  By using the natural links between subjects and ideas, the learning becomes real and meaningful to our children.  We do not believe in contriving links but in making the most of these where they naturally exist. However, within the delivery of these ‘themes’ we make regular reference to the distinct subjects being taught.


Science, PE, PSHCE,  Foreign Languages and Music are taught as stand-alone subjects.


In RE the children learn about 6 major religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism, following the agreed Bradford syllabus. This gives the children a moral understanding and knowledge of religious beliefs and practices to help them become tolerant, caring members of society.


If you would like any further information about the curriculum, please contact your child's class teacher who will be happy to provide further information.