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Reading For Pleasure

Fagley now has its very own lending library! This is open before and after school, so children can choose books to enjoy at home. Children take one book home and then can swap it on its return. We hope more children are encouraged to read for pleasure using our little lending library. The reading committee had a great time organising the books ready for lots of home reading. 

Our teachers are dedicated to spreading a love of reading throughout school. Regular CPD ensures that staff are up to date on the benefits of reading for pleasure. Staff have time to reflect on their knowledge of literature through surveys, discussion and book recommendations. During a recent meeting, staff concluded with a book speed-dating activity, where they recommended their favourite authors and reading material to one another. Staff then eagerly returned to their classes, ready to share their book recommendations.

The Fagley Reading Committee are passionate about fostering a love of reading. So far this year, they have sorted and handed out resources to support the teaching of prosody throughout school; they conducted reading surveys with KS1 and KS2 classes to gain and understanding of reading interests across school, and they took over the running of the reading wagon to ensure children can choose to access quality texts during their free time outside.

The Fagley Reading Committee also helped the reading leader to hold a bun and book sale to raise funding for a theatre production to visit school. They worked in the library and in classes to organise books by genre and key stage before creating their own poster to advertise the sale. They set up stalls in the school yurt and on the playground to sell their books.

The children had to use their knowledge of literature to recommend books to children and parents. Through selling a bag of books for a small fee, Fagley Primary was able to make money to improve our reading diet, whilst ensuring donated books and older books found a new home; supplementing children’s own stock of books.