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School Uniform


At Fagley Primary School our policy is that all children wear the approved school uniform when attending school, on educational visits and when participating in school organised events outside normal school hours.  We provide a complete list of the items needed for school uniform in our Uniform Policy.  Uniform for PE is designed to ensure the health and wellbeing of our pupils, taking into account whether the activities are indoor or outdoor and to ensure their safety.


Aims and Objectives

Our policy is based on the belief that a school uniform;

  • Promotes a sense of pride in the school
  • Creates a feeling of community and belonging
  • Is practical and smart
  • Identifies the children with Fagley Primary School and our values
  • Makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance
  • Is regarded as suitable, and good value for money
  • Has been designed with health and safety in mind


Key Roles and Responsibilities

  • The Governing Body has overall responsibility for the implementation of the School Uniform Policy and procedures of Fagley Primary School.
  • The Governing Body has overall responsibility for ensuring that the School Uniform Policy, as written, does not discriminate on any grounds, including but not limited to ethnicity/national origin, culture, religion, gender, disability or sexual orientation.
  • The Governing Body has overall responsibility for reviewing the School Uniform Policy.
  • The Headteacher has responsibility for handling complaints regarding this policy as outlined in the school’s Complaints Policy.
  • The Headteacher will be responsible for the day-to-day implementation and management of the School Uniform Policy and procedures of Fagley Primary School.


The Role of Parents

  • We ask all parents who send their children to our school to support the school uniform policy. We believe that parents have a duty to send their children to school correctly dressed and ready for their daily schoolwork. 
  • Parents should ensure that their child has the correct uniform, and that it is clean and in good repair.
  • If any parent has concerns regarding the uniform policy, they should make representation, in the first instance, to the Headteacher.
  • The school welcomes children from all backgrounds and faith communities. If there are serious reasons why parents want their child to wear clothes that differ from the school uniform, the school will look sympathetically at such requests.  Similarly, should an item of the school uniform prove problematic for a pupil with disabilities, then parents are invited to draw this to the attention of the Headteacher.  The school will not treat pupils with disabilities unfavourably. 


Monitoring and Review

When monitoring this policy, through its committee work, the Governing Body will:

  • Seek the view of parents, to be sure that they agree with the policy, and support it
  • Consider, with the Head Teacher any requests from parents for individual children to have special dispensations;
  • Require the Head Teacher to report to the Governors on the way the policy is being implemented.


The school policy will be reviewed by the Governing Body every three years, or earlier if considered necessary. 


Jewellery - On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school.  Pupils are allowed to wear a watch, one earring per lobe – small plain stud only. Pupils are not permitted to wear necklaces (other than for faith reasons) and bracelets / bands or any kind. Please Note: No responsibility can be taken for valuable items worn in school.


Haircuts - For health and safety reasons, long hair should always be tied back for PE.


Hair accessories - Hair accessories need to be small (no bigger than 5cm).


Footwear - All pupils must wear formal, plain black school shoes. Pupils should not wear shoes that are decorative (e.g. diamantes) have coloured/reflective strips or logos, backless sandals, trainers or 'leisure' shoes (we encourage non-branded trainers to promote equality between children). 


Head scarf – girls who wear a head scarf for school must wear navy blue, black or grey.  No bright colours or patterns


PE Kit – Every child from Reception to Year 6 will be provided with a PE kit, which will consist of a plain blue t-shirt and blue shorts/leggings and a sweatshirt for outdoor PE.  PE Kits will be kept in school at all times and washed regularly by staff.  Children will need to bring a pair of trainers into school for outdoor PE.  If your child damages their PE kit, parents/carers will need to replace it.


Year 3 and Year 5 Swimming – Children will need to bring swimming trunks, swimsuit or swimming costume and a towel on the day of their swimming lesson.


School Uniform

Reception to Year 2

  • Royal Blue Crew neck Sweatshirt or Cardigan
  • Any colour polo shirt (except white or grey)
  • Black or Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
  • Blue checked dress / Black or Grey long tailored shorts (for summer)
  • Black shoes (no colours, patterns or shapes and no trainers)
  • Head scarfs need to be black, navy blue or grey
  • Socks worn with dresses, skirts or shorts to be plain black, grey or white


Year 3 to Year 6

  • Royal Blue V-Necked Sweatshirt or Cardigan
  • Pale Blue short sleeved shirt
  • Tie (only available from school)
  • Black or Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
  • Blue checked dress / Black or Grey long tailored shorts (for summer)
  • Black shoes (no colours, patterns or shapes and no trainers)
  • Head scarfs need to be black, navy blue or grey
  • Socks worn with dresses, skirts or shorts to be plain black, grey or white


Please note that most school uniform can be bought/ ordered from the School Office.  You can also buy uniform from Natasha Schoolwear in Bradford.  Bookbags and Ties can only be bought from the School Office.  Please do not add embellishments to the uniform.  Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.


Reception Children and Children New to Fagley Primary School

All children on entry to reception and new children will receive a book bag as part of the induction process.


School Uniform Assistance

Fagley Primary School supports vulnerable families in meeting the costs of uniforms.

You will receive two free sweatshirts or cardigans and one tie if your child’s year group requires them to wear a tie.


Uniform swap shop is also available by contacting the school office.


School Clothing Assistance eligibility criteria is as follows:

  • Children must attend the school full-time.
  • This scheme applies to children from Reception to Year 6.
  • Parents/carers must be in receipt of Free School Meals.


Further details

  • The budget for the School Uniform Assistance scheme will come from Pupil Premium.
  • Eligibility shall be determined by checking original documents from the relevant authority detailing the receipt of the benefit and the address of the pupil.


Ordering Uniform

During the school year we will keep a limited amount of uniform in stock, this will be available from the school office.


If you are entitled to Free School Meals you will receive your free uniform at the beginning of the year, any other items needed later in the year will need to be paid for.  You can only order Free uniform from school.


At the end of the school year an order form will be sent out to all parents to order uniform for the following year.  There will be a deadline for returning orders to school which will be stated at the time.  


Uniform Pricelist

Fagley Sweat Cardigans – Small  £9.00
Fagley Sweat Cardigans – Large £10.00
Fagley Sweatshirts  £8.00- £11.00
Fagley V-Neck Sweatshirt (yr 3 – 6)  £9.00-£12.00
Tie (yr 3 - 6)       £3.50
PE T-Shirt  £4.00
Shorts     £3.50
Leggings   £4.00
Book Bags     £4.50
Book Bags (with shoulder strap)  £5.50
Pump / PE Bag   £3.00
Rucksack (infant)      £4.50
Rucksack (junior)   £9.50