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  3. British Science Week At Fagley

British Science Week At Fagley

13 March 2019 (by Nicolas Carter (ncarter))

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British Science Week (Facebook tag)


British Science Week is a national celebration of STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths). Fagley Primary School will be celebrating areas of STEM over the course of the week to engage children with science and show how it interacts with our everyday lives. It will encourage children to appreciate STEM subjects and to consider taking these forward in their future studies.

During the week, it would be fantastic if children had the opportunity to continue their investigation skills at home. Why not try out some experiments with the family? Please take a look at the following websites for ideas on how science can be enjoyed at home:

To celebrate our science work we will be holding a Science Showcase in the hall on Friday 22nd March 2019. This will be packed full of hands-on investigations and experiments which will really make you think! Please come and see the hard work your children have been producing as a part of science week.